- S5006123 WASH&DignityKit,firstResp,5HH,noPurifTab
First Response WASH & Dignity family kit sufficient for the needs of 5 families - for immediate/early response in emergencies.Indicative Price 193.45 USD - S9903001 AWD Kit, Periphery kit, Logistics Part
Logistics module, part of the interagency Acute Water Diarrhoea (AWD) Periphery response kit.
Indicative Price 1,071.82 USD - S9903003 AWD, Periphery kit, Renewable
Acute Watery Diarrhoea kit, RenewableIndicative Price 605.20 USD - S9910000 Surg.inst.,abdominal /SET
The abdominal contains thirty surgical instrument set can be used either for interventions in abdominal emergencies such as exploratory laparotomies, caesarean sections, etc., or common interventions, especially gynaecology. This kit contains the instruments only, no storage box.Indicative Price 165.21 USD - S9908200 Sterilization, kit C
Sterilization, kit C consists of basic equipment to facilitate steam sterilization in all types of settings, including emergency situations. The kit is one part of "Midwifery Kit – Complete" and "Obstetric, surgical Kit - Complete"Indicative Price 682.27 USD - S0114052 Nut. kit,inpatient,module-equipment
Nutrition kit, inpatient, module-equipment, KMEDMNUTI12 equipment usedin inpatient therapeutic feeding centres for severely acute malnourishedchildrenIndicative Price 1,623.28 USD - S9908303 Obstetric,surgical kit,suppl.1a-drugs
Obstetric, surgical kit, supplementary 1a - drugs.
Indicative Price 317.62 USD - S9902220 Midwifery kit,suppl.1a-drugs
Midwifery kit, supplementary 1a - drugs.
Indicative Price 24.12 USD - S9902219 Midwifery kit,3-renewable
The kit is part of Midwifery kit, contains medical renewable material, is designed to perform an average of 50 normal deliveries. It is intended to be used by trained health personnel, such as midwives, physicians and nurses with midwifery and resuscitation skills.Indicative Price 320.83 USD - S9908302 Obstetric,surgical kit,suppl.3-renewable
The obstetric surgical kit supplementary module 3 renewable contains medical renewable necessary for an average of 100 deliveries.Indicative Price 1,364.75 USD