- S0000225 Multiple micrn. pdr,custom sach./PAC-30
A multiple micronutrient powder (MNP) supplement containing 15 essential vitamins and minerals in the base of a carrier. Each sachet weighs 1 gram, supplied in boxes or pouches of 30 sachets. MNPs are designed for point of use fortification of complementary foods for children and vulnerable populations to prevent anaemia and vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Target Group: children aged 6 - 59 months. Primary target group: children aged 6 -24 months.Indicative Price 0.55 USD - S0000254 Calibration ctrl f. Fluorometer S0000227
Calibration control vial for portable fluorometer S0000227 to determinequantity of Vitamin A content in foods and biological fluidsIndicative Price 103.86 USD - S0000256 Reagents f. S0000226 Vit A/Oil,PAC-100**
Kit with reaction vial, syringe and needle, used for measurement withportable photometer S0000226 to determine vitamin A content in refinededible oils, pack of 100Indicative Price 828.83 USD - S0000257 Reagents f. S0000227 VitA/Food,PAC-100**
Kit with extraction vial, syringe and needle, used for the measurementwith portable fluorometer S0000227 to determine quantity of vitamin Acontent in foods, pack of 100Indicative Price 828.83 USD - S0000259 Reagents for S0000229 Iron, PAC-100**
Kit with extraction vial, additive vial, syringe and needle, used forthe measurement with portable photometer S0000229 to determine quantityof iron content in foods, pack of 100Indicative Price 624.25 USD - S1580201 Multiple micronutrient pdr,sach./PAC-30
A multiple micronutrient powder (MNP) supplement containing 15 essential vitamins and minerals in the base of a carrier. Each sachet weighs 1 gram, supplied in boxes or pouches of 30 sachets. MNPs are designed for point of use fortification of complementary foods for children and vulnerable populations to prevent anaemia and vitamin and mineral deficiencies.Indicative Price 0.63 USD - S0000214 Micronutr. pdr, 5 comp, custom /PAC-30
A multiple micronutrient powder (MNP) supplement containing 5 essential vitamins and minerals in the base of a carrier. Each sachet weighs 1 gram, supplied in boxes or pouches of 30 sachets. MNPs are designed for point of use fortification of complementary foods for children and vulnerable populations to prevent anaemia and vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Target Group: children aged 6 - 59 months. Primary target group: children aged 6 -24 months.Indicative Price 0.43 USD