- S0001395 Tube, vacuum, serum gel, 4 ml, box/100
Tube, vacuum, serum, 3.5 ml, box/100Indicative Price 9.94 USD - S0004279 TrinScreen HIV, kit/100
TrinScreen HIV Kit/ 100 Tests.
Indicative Price 75.00 USD - S0006708 UHF base station kit,Motorola GM360
Complete UHF base station kit, 255 channels, 1-25 Watt, containing Motorola GM360 with fixed mount 3dB base station antenna and 30 meter RG213 coaxial cable.Indicative Price 866.83 USD - S0002380 Mains Ref SureChill GVR225AC-M1 E003/083
Mains Powered, Ice-lined Refrigerator for Storage of Vaccines
SureChill GVR225 AC-M1 E003/083
Ambient operating temperature: Min. +10°C, Max. +43°C
Net vaccine storage volume: 225 L
Supplied with voltage regulator and temperature monitoring device.Indicative Price 1,390.00 USD - S0004189 FirstResponseSyph Anti-TPCardTest,kit/50
First Response Syphilis Anti-TP Card Test, kit/50 tests
Indicative Price 35.00 USD - S0004190 FirstResponseSyph Anti-TPCardTest,kit/25
First Response Syphilis Anti-TP Card Test, kit/25 tests
Indicative Price 17.50 USD - S0003853 Rapid Anti-HCVTest wthaccessories,kit/40
Rapid Anti‐HCV Test with accessories, kit/40
Indicative Price 28.00 USD - S0003872 FirstResponseHIV1+2/SyphComboCard,kit/25
Rapid diagnostic test First Response HIV1+2/Syphilis Combo Card Test, kit/25
Indicative Price 23.75 USD - S0003874 FirstResponseHIV1+2/SyphComboCard,kit/50
Rapid diagnostic test First Response HIV1+2/Syphilis Combo Card Test, kit/50Indicative Price 47.50 USD - S0004273 Diagnostic HIV(1+2)Ab colloi-gold Kit/50
Diagnostic HIV (1+2) Antibody colloid-gold Kit/50 Tests.
Indicative Price 37.00 USD