- S0004032 BiolineMalAgPf/PanNonSafetyLancet,kit/25
This material replaces the material S0003582 SD Bioline Malaria Pf/pan, kit/25. But the product itself remains the same.
Indicative Price 7.50 USD - S0004275 ABON HIV 1/2/O Tri-Line HIVRDT,kit/40
ABON HIV 1/2/O Tri-Line HIV RDT, kit/40T
Indicative Price 28.40 USD - S0002540 SDD Ref. Haier HTC-240 E003/117
Solar Direct Drive Refrigerator for Storage of Vaccines
Haier HTC-240 E003/117
Ambient operating temperature: Min. +5°C, Max. +43°C
Net vaccine storage volume: 200L
Supplied as a complete plug & play solar system including a temperature monitoring device.
Indicative Price 3,857.00 USD - S0003959 One Step HIV1/2, 18Gsafetylancet,kit/25T
One Step HIV 1/2 Whole Blood/Serum/Plasma Test with 18G safety lancet, kit/25 tests.
Indicative Price 18.25 USD - S0003976 STANDARD Q Malaria Pf/Pan Ag Test,kit/25
STANDARD Q Malaria P.f/ Pan Ag Kit/25 Test.
Indicative Price 7.88 USD - S0003977 STANDARD Q Malaria Pf/Pv Ag Test,kit/25
STANDARD Q Malaria P.f/ Pan Ag Test Kit/25 Test.
Indicative Price 8.75 USD - S0004278 Panbio HIV Verific w acce Kit/20 Test
Panbio HIV Verification with accessories Kit/20 Test
Indicative Price 24.00 USD - S0002376 Mains Frz. Vestfrost MF314 E003/023
Mains Powered Vaccine/Waterpack Freezer
Vestfrost MF314 E003/023
Ambient operating temperature: Max. +43°C
Supplied with voltage regulator.Indicative Price 1,299.82 USD - S0002578 Mains Vaccine Ref. VLS 504A AC E003-113
Mains Powered, Ice-lined Refrigerator for Storage of Vaccines
Vestfrost VLS 504A AC E003/113
Net vaccine storage volume: 242 L
Supplied with voltage regulator and temperature monitoring device.
Indicative Price 2,546.66 USD - S0003973 STANDARD Q HIV1/2Ab 3-Linewithacc,kit/25
STANDARD Q HIV 1/2 Ab 3-Line Test kit/25.
Indicative Price 18.75 USD