- S0003946 Determine HIV Early Detect SET, kit/100
Determine HIV Early Detect SET, kit/100 Tests.
This material replaces the material S0003567 Alere HIV Combo SET, kit/100. But the product itself remains the same.
Indicative Price 90.00 USD - S0004273 Diagnostic HIV(1+2)Ab colloi-gold Kit/50
Diagnostic HIV (1+2) Antibody colloid-gold Kit/50 Tests.
Indicative Price 37.00 USD - S0003849 ONE STEP Anti-HIV (1&2) with acc, kit/40
ONE STEP Anti-HIV (1&2) with accessories, kit/40.
Indicative Price 23.60 USD - S0004285 ONE STEP Malaria (Pf) Test, kit/25
ONE STEP Malaria (Pf) Test, kit/25Indicative Price 4.75 USD - S0004284 ONESTEPMalaria(Pf/Pv)Tri-lineTest,kit/25
ONESTEPMalaria(Pf/Pv)Tri-lineTest,kit/25Indicative Price 7.00 USD - S0004281 FirstResponseHCV Cardtest kit/25
First Response HCV Card test kit/ 25 tests.
Indicative Price 20.00 USD - S0003360 FirstResponseHIV1-2.O Cardtest,V2,kit/30
First Response HIV 1-2.O Card test (Version 2.0), kit/30 tests.
Indicative Price 22.50 USD - S0004283 HCV Rapid test withaccessories, kit/40
HCV Rapid test with accessories, kit/40 tests
Indicative Price 24.00 USD - S0004276 FirstRespoHIV1-2.O Cardtest,V2, kit/100T
First Response HIV 1-2.O Card test (Version 2.0), kit/100 tests.
Indicative Price 75.00 USD - S0003990 RightSignHCGPregnancyTestCassette,kit/25
RightSign HCG pregnancy rapid test cassette, kit/25 tests
Indicative Price 2.00 USD