- S0003874 FirstResponseHIV1+2/SyphComboCard,kit/50
Rapid diagnostic test First Response HIV1+2/Syphilis Combo Card Test, kit/50Indicative Price 47.50 USD - S0003946 Determine HIV Early Detect SET, kit/100
Determine HIV Early Detect SET, kit/100 Tests.
This material replaces the material S0003567 Alere HIV Combo SET, kit/100. But the product itself remains the same.
Indicative Price 90.00 USD - S0003981 NxTekEliminateMalPfNonSafetyLanc,kit/25
This material replaces the material S0003858 Alere Mal AgPf wnonsafety lancet,25T/kit. But the product itself remains the same.
Indicative Price 7.50 USD - S0004270 OneStepMERISCREEN Mal Pf HRP-IIAg,kit/25
Rapid diagnostic test One Step test for Malaria MERISCREEN Malaria Pf HRP-II Ag, kit/25
Indicative Price 5.23 USD - S0004272 One Step MERISCREEN Mal Pf/Pv Ag, kit/25
Rapid diagnostic test One Step test for Malaria MERISCREEN Malaria Pf/Pv Ag, kit/25
Indicative Price 7.50 USD - S0003974 STANDARD Q HIV/Syphilis ComboTest,kit/25
STANDARD Q HIV/Syphilis Combo Test Kit/25T.Indicative Price 23.75 USD - S0003975 STANDARD Q Malaria Pf Ag Test,kit/25
STANDARD Q Malaria P.f Ag Test Kit/25 Test.
Indicative Price 5.00 USD - S1561125 ReSoMal,42g sachet for 1 litre/CAR-100
ReSoMal (Rehydration solution for severely malnourished children) 42 g powder for solution in a sachet to be diluted in 1 litre of purified/boiled and cooled water, carton of 100 sachets, including patient information leaflet/directions for use.
Indicative Price 46.16 USD - S0370131 Face mask, venturi, child, single use
Face mask to provide oxygen at flow rates up to 12 LPM. Allows for precise oxygen delivery by utilizing different sized ports to change FiO2 (24 – 60%). Also known as air-entrainment masks able to provide total inspiratory flow at a specified FiO2. Child size.
Indicative Price 0.93 USD - S0709238 NeedleSpinal22G(0.7x90mm)Ster,disp,BOX50
Needle, spinal, 22G (0.70 x 90mm), sterile, disposableIndicative Price 21.91 USD