- S0004042 Bioline Mal Ag Pf NonSafetyLancet,kit/25
This material replaces the material S0003581 SD Bioline Mal Pf (HRP2), kit/25. But the product itself remains the same.
Indicative Price 6.25 USD - S0001688 Xpert HCV VL FS Assay, kit/10
Xpert HCV VL FS Assay, kit/10
Indicative Price 149.00 USD - S0004267 BiolineHIV/SyphilisDuowsafelancet,kit/25
Bioline HIV/Syphilis Duo test is a rapid, qualitative test for the detection of antibodies to all isotypes (IgG, IgM, IgA) specific to HIV1 including subtype-O, HIV-2, and Syphilis (Treponema pallidum) in human serum, plasma or whole blood. The Bioline HIV/Syphilis Duo is intended only for professional use, and for in vitro diagnostic use.
Indicative Price 40.00 USD - S0004268 CheckNOW HIV Self Test, kit/1T
CheckNOW HIV SELF TEST is a single-use, in vitro (outside the body) visually read rapid immunoassay that uses a blood sample from a finger puncture for the qualitative detection of antibodies to HIV-1 and HIV-2 in blood.Indicative Price 1.50 USD - S0004270 OneStepMERISCREEN Mal Pf HRP-IIAg,kit/25
Rapid diagnostic test One Step test for Malaria MERISCREEN Malaria Pf HRP-II Ag, kit/25
Indicative Price 5.23 USD - S0004272 One Step MERISCREEN Mal Pf/Pv Ag, kit/25
Rapid diagnostic test One Step test for Malaria MERISCREEN Malaria Pf/Pv Ag, kit/25
Indicative Price 7.50 USD - S0004273 Diagnostic HIV(1+2)Ab colloi-gold Kit/50
Diagnostic HIV (1+2) Antibody colloid-gold Kit/50 Tests.
Indicative Price 37.00 USD - S0004280 Colloidal Gold, HIV RDT (Ab) HIV/Kit/50
Rapid Test for Antibody to HIV 1+2 (Colloidal Gold Device), 50T/kit.
Indicative Price 26.50 USD - S0001704 careHPV Test, kit/96
careHPV Test, kit/96 for the qualitative detection of HPV DNA in cervical specimensIndicative Price 449.37 USD - S0002147 GeneXpert HIV1 Qual EID cartridge kit/10
Cepheid GeneXpert HIV1 Qual EID cartridge kit of 10 tests.Indicative Price 149.00 USD