- S1504008 Omeprazole 20mg capsules (e/c) PAC/10x10
Omeprazole 20mg capsules (e/c), 10 blister cards each containing 10 capsules.Indicative Price 1.77 USD - S0002715 Circumcision device,ster,s.u.32mm,PAC-50
Circumcision device sterile disposable for adolescent and adult male 32mm(E) pack of 50
Indicative Price 676.00 USD - S0002179 30Day logger BerlingerFT2E Ext.sen.Type2
Berlinger Fridge-tag 2 E is an electronic refrigerator temperature logger with an external sensor, factory-programmed alarms and visual display for monitoring storage conditions in vaccine freezers over a 30-day period. The device shows the actual temperature, all alarm violations over the previous 30 days (on a rolling basis), the daily minimum and maximum temperature of the last 30 days, and the time duration of any violation. Battery life of the product is 66 months/5.5 years.
Indicative Price 90.30 USD - S0768930 Retractor,Farabeuf,d-e,120mm,pair
Retractor, double-ended, Farabeuf, 120 mm, pair.
Indicative Price 1.71 USD