
CyFlow,pipette tip,50-1000ul/BOX-1000

CyFlow, pipette tip, 50-1000ul/BOX-1000
Indicative Price 21.39 USD
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General Description:
CyFlow, pipette tip, 50-1000ul/BOX-1000

Technical Specifications:
CyFlow, pipette tip, 50-1000ul/BOX-1000
Manufacturer product reference: Partec 04-06-1530
Renewable for Partec CyFlowCount (prod ref CY-S-3022) and Partec CyFlow SL_3 (prod ref CY-S-1023).

Packaging and labelling:
Unit presentation: 1 (one) CyFlow, pipette tip, 50-1000ul/BOX-1000
Manufacturer's name and logo
Manufacturer's product reference
Manufacture and expiry date, lot number
Main characteristics (dimensions, capacity)
Recommended storage conditions
Information for handling

Protective packaging:
Number of units/pieces
Manufacturer's name and logo
Manufacturer's product reference
Manufacture and expiry date, lot number
Main characteristics (dimensions, capacity)
Recommended storage conditions
Information for handling

Instructions for use:
Renewable kit for UNICEF item S0001230 CD4[abs]counter, CyFlowCount, w/startkit and for discontinued item S0001240 CD4[absolute, percentage]counter, CyFlow SL_3, w/startkit.
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