
Spare set per ten HBD-265 E003/131

Set of Spare Parts, recommended per 10 units of​ ​​​​ HBD-265 E003/131
Indicative Price 180.48 USD
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General description:
Set of Spare Parts, recommended per 10 units of HBD-265 E003/131

1 No. Dry filter Part-0074180001
2 No. overload protector 0274300008B
1 No. Switch 0075050003
1 No. Thermo sensor-0274000357A
1 No. Thermostat with sensor 0274000352A
1 No. Compressor 0060705994A
1 No. Fan 0074000172
2 No. Indicator 0075050018
2 No. Displayer 0274000357
1 No. Sticker-0270501015B

​1- One set of spare parts is recommended but not compulsory for every 10 units of refrigerators.
​2- For Technical Guidance: Contact with UNICEF Supply Division, Immunization Technology Center, Cold Chain Unit. CPHHQ-SD-Cold Chain Unit < coldchainunit@unicef.org >

Useful links for reference:
1.UNICEF Cold Chain  Technical Support
2.UNICEF Supply Catalogue:
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