
Codan Envoy X1 Base station

Basic HF base station kit with power supply, antenna and cables. Note that Envoy X1 cannot be used for GPS tracking or ALE, for this, procure Envoy X2.
Indicative Price 4,850.00 USD
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General Description:
Basic HF base station kit with power supply, antenna and cables. Note that Envoy X1 cannot be used for GPS tracking or ALE, for this, procure Envoy X2.

Technical Specifications:
-100 channels max
-200 contact list entries max
-Not GPS capable (see Envoy X2 for GPS option)
-Not ALE capable (see Envoy X2 for ALE option)
-No accessory connector
-For more details see: http://www.codanradio.com/product/envoy/

Related products:
Codan Envoy X2 Base Station (1000 channels/500 contacts/GPS capable/ALE capable/Accessory capable)

Component of Kit(s):
-HF transceiver 2210
-Handset 2220
-Desk Console 2230
-Power Supply 3020 (110 to 220-240VAC, automatic switching)
-Antenna Multiwire Broadband C463
-Antenna cable 30 meter
-Lightning protector (Polyphaser)

URL address:
Codan: http://www.cod anradio.com/product/envoy/
UNICEF ITSS Emergency Portal: https://unicef.sharepoint.com/ teams/ITSS/EP/SitePages/HF.aspx
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