Handpump,VERGNET,Spare Pts.Std.HI + MPV
Spare parts kit, standard (normal wear), for VERGNET hand pumps type HYDRO-INDIA series and MPV60 series.
Indicative Price 34.54 USD
General Description:
Spare parts kit, standard (normal wear), for VERGNET hand pumps type HYDRO-INDIA series and MPV60 series.
Technical Specifications:
Standard spare parts kit for Vergnet HYDRO-INDIA and MPV60 pumptype
The spare parts kit is including the following items:
(Quantity x reference Vergnet - Description)
1 x ref. 1009 – Joint etanchéité piston / Piston sealing gasket
1 x ref. 2352 - Piston conique India / Conical piston India
2 x ref. 2343 - Joint calotte diam 60mm HI60 / Upseal 60mm
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