

Brush, hand, scrubbing, plastic.
Indicative Price 0.70 USD
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General Description:
Nylon brush with soft bristles for scrubbing hands prior to surgical intervention.

Technical specifications:
Bristles: Minimum 5 rows.
Material: Head: Polypropylene. Bristles: Nylon.
Length: head 7 – 9 cm
Width: 3 - 4 cm
Height: 1 cm

Packaging and labeling:
Packaging and labelling:
One ( 1) scrubbing brush in a plastic bag.
Secondary packaging: Protected unit
Ten (10) scrubbing brushes in a box
Labelling on the primary packaging:
Name and/or trademark of the manufacturer.
Symbols used according ISO 15223 and EN 980
CE mark

Weight and volume
Estimated weight: 0.049kg
Estimated volume: 0.146cdm
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