bOPV,bivalent type 1+3,vial of 10 doses
Bivalent Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV type 1 and 3), vial of 10 doses
Indicative Price 2.00 USD
General Description:
Bivalent Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV type 1 and 3), vial of 10 doses.
Poliomyelitis vaccine, live, oral, bivalent, 10 dose presentation.
Ready for use either in vial with dropper or in the form of dispenser,
with vaccine vial monitor (VVM) affixed on to individual vial/dispenser.
It is a bivalent vaccine containing suspension of type 1 and 3 attenuated
poliomyelitis virus (Sabin strain).
OPV must only be administered orally. Two drops are delivered directly
into the mouth from the multidose vial by dropper or dispenser. For
older children it may be preferred to avoid the possible bitter taste by
first placing the drops on a sugar lump or in syrup. Care should be
taken not to contaminate a multidose dropper with saliva of the
Once opened, multi-dose vials should be stored under appropriate cold
chain conditions (as recommended by the manufacturer).
Multi-dose vials of OPV from which one or more doses of vaccine have
been removed during an immunization session may be used in subsequent
immunization sessions for up to a maximum of 4 weeks, provided that all
of the following conditions are met (as described in the WHO policy
statement: The use of opened multi-dose vials in subsequent immunization
sessions. WHO/V&B/00.09):
The expiry date has not passed.
The vaccines are stored under appropriate cold chain conditions.
The vaccine vial septum has not been submerged in water.
Aseptic technique has been used to withdraw all doses.
The vaccine vial monitor (VVM) has not reached the discard point.
Immunization Schedule:
Infants should receive at least three doses of OPV at minimum intervals
of 4 weeks. WHO recommends the following schedule in endemic countries:
Birth, 6, 10, 14 weeks. In non-endemic areas the first dose can be given
from 6 weeks with the first dose of DTP.
OPV can be given safely and effectively at the same time as measles,
rubella, mumps, DTP, DT, TT, Td, BCG, hepatitis B, haemophilus
influenzae type b, yellow fever vaccine and vitamin A supplementation.
Vaccine is potent if stored at not higher than -20°C until the expiry
date indicated on the vial. It can be stored for up to six months
between +2°C and +8°C.
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