- S0009323 Handpump,VLOM 50-PVC,Variant 1,Norm,30m
Open top Hand Pump, VLOM-50, (INDIA MARK III-50 (SKAT) - IM III 50 -
Mark III type), Variant 1 PackageIndicative Price 339.00 USD - S0009335 Handpump,SDWP,EDWP,VLOM,MKII&III,-Risers
Selection of different corrosion resistant Riser Pipe sizes and types for INDIA MKII & MKIII (SDWP, EDWP & VLOM 50+65) types of hand pumps (PVC and/or Stainless Steel pipe materials).Indicative Price 1.00 USD - S0009317 Handpump,EDWP,INDIA MK II,Variant 2,OPEN
Extra Deep Well hand Pump (EDWP), INDIA MARK II-Extra Deepwell (SKAT) - with open choice of Stand type, handle counter weights and installation depth options, for cylinder installation depth of 48 to 90 metres.
Indicative Price 760.00 USD - S0009181 Handpump,SDWP India MKII,Variant 2,Open
Hand pump set, Standard Deep Well Pump (SDWP) - INDIA MARK II type, Package VARIANT No. 2 - with OPEN OPTIONS for selection of Standard Stand, Riser and Rod types and materials, and cylinder installation depth.
Indicative Price 449.00 USD