- S0002008 FACSPresto CD4 abs%, car charger adaptor
FACSPresto CD4 abs%- car battery
Indicative Price 285.00 USD - S2795804 Play Parachute, 3.65 meters, with bag
Play Parachute, 3.65 meters, with carry bag
Indicative Price 7.84 USD - S0002225 Vacc. carrier,Apex AIDVC-24,PQS E004/011
Small vaccine carrier with a vaccine storage capacity of 0.9 litres; cold life 21.5 hours
Indicative Price 6.86 USD - S0002224 Vacc. carrier,AOV AVC-46,PQS E004/009
Extra large, long range vaccine carrier with a vaccine storage capacity of 2.5 litres; cold life 50 hours.
Indicative Price 36.06 USD - S5007321 Water floc. & disinfectant,pdr/BOX-240
A two step product water purifier that includes a flocculent and a
disinfectant (Chlorine).Indicative Price 9.79 USD - S0730000 Forceps,artery,Halst-Mosq,125mm,cvd
Forceps, artery, Halsted-Mosquito, 125 mm, curved.
Indicative Price 1.36 USD - S0737700 Forceps,tissue,standard,250mm,str
Forceps, tissue, standard, 250 mm, straight.
Indicative Price 1.63 USD - S0737000 Forceps,tissue,standard,145mm,str
Forceps, tissue, standard, 145 mm, straight.
Indicative Price 0.66 USD