- S1531006 Ceftriaxone pdr/inj 250mg vial/BOX-50
Ceftriaxone (as sodium salt) powder for injection 250mg vial, box of 50 vials.Indicative Price 19.10 USD - S9906751 Nut kit inpatient module-med supplies2
Please note that this kit has replaced S0114053 Nut. kit, inpatient,
module-med. Supplies
Nut. kit, inpatient, module-med supplies2Indicative Price 1,098.36 USD - S1531005 Ceftriaxone pdr/inj 1g vial/BOX-10
Ceftriaxone (as sodium salt) powder for injection 1g vial, box of 10 vials.Indicative Price 7.74 USD - S1505076 Ampicillin pdr/inj 500mg vial/BOX-100
Ampicillin powder for injection 500mg vial, box of 100 vials.Indicative Price 29.51 USD - S1505099 Ampicillin pdr/inj 500mg vial/BOX-50
Ampicillin powder for injection 500mg vial, box of 50 vials.Indicative Price 22.71 USD - S1520011 Benzylpenicillin pdr/inj 5MIUvial/BOX-50
Benzylpenicillin powder for injection 3g vial, box of 50 vials.Indicative Price 11.50 USD - S1559005 Benzabenzylpen.pdr/inj 2.4MIUvl/BOX-50
Benzathine benzylpenicillin powder for injection 1.44g vial, box of 50 vials.Indicative Price 29.12 USD - S359122 DTwP-HepB-IPV-Hib vac., lqd., 10 ds vial
DTwP-HepB-IPV- Hib vaccine - Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (whole-cell)-Hepatitis B-Haemophilus influenzae type b-Polio (Inactivated)
Indicative Price 30.00 USD - S359125 DTwP-HepB-IPV-Hib vac., lqd., 1 ds vial
DTwP-HepB-IPV- Hib vaccine - Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (whole-cell)-Hepatitis B-Haemophilus influenzae type b-Polio (Inactivated)
Indicative Price 4.50 USD