- S5006129 Chlorine/pH visual comparator
A simple, lightweight, small and robust field visual comparator for the rapid measure of chlorine and pH in water. Includes start up consumables (20 to 50 DPD1 tablets and 20 to 50 phenol red tablets) and a box of 250 DPD1 tabletsIndicative Price 9.57 USD - S0006650 VHF repeater kit,Motorola GR500(45 Watt)
Complete VHF repeater, Motorola GR500, 45 Watt version (for 25-100 Watt
see catalogue number: 0006634).Indicative Price 3,362.24 USD - S0000591 Photometer,HemoCue Hb 301/SET
Photometer, HemoCue Hb 301/set
Indicative Price 502.84 USD - S0002155 Stretcher,foldable
Foldable stretcher for emergency patient transport.Indicative Price 72.63 USD - S0008907 Toyota LC, Pick-up 2.8TD 2-seater Auto
Land Cruiser Pick-Up, 2-Seat Turbo Diesel 4x4
Indicative Price 26,357.81 USD - S0008908 Toyota LC,DC Pick-up 2.8TD 5-seater Auto
Land Cruiser Pick-Up, D-Cab 5-Seat Turbo Diesel 4x4
Indicative Price 27,510.90 USD