- S0003971 STANDARD Q HCV Ab Test,kit/25
STANDARD Q HCV Ab Test,kit/25
Indicative Price 16.25 USD - S0004032 BiolineMalAgPf/PanNonSafetyLancet,kit/25
This material replaces the material S0003582 SD Bioline Malaria Pf/pan, kit/25. But the product itself remains the same.
Indicative Price 7.50 USD - S0305026 Gown,surg,nonsterile,nonwoven,HP,disp,L
Gown, surgical, non-sterile, non-woven, HP, disposable, L
Indicative Price 6.44 USD - S0004271 OneStep MERISCREEN Mal Pf/Pan Ag, kit/25
Rapid diagnostic test One Step test for Malaria MERISCREEN Malaria Pf/Pan Ag, kit/25
Indicative Price 7.25 USD - S0004275 ABON HIV 1/2/O Tri-Line HIVRDT,kit/40
ABON HIV 1/2/O Tri-Line HIV RDT, kit/40T
Indicative Price 28.40 USD - S0004285 ONE STEP Malaria (Pf) Test, kit/25
ONE STEP Malaria (Pf) Test, kit/25Indicative Price 6.50 USD - S0004301 Filter set, resilient 10LPM, oxygen conc
Filter set for S0004300 Oxygen concentrator, 10 LPM, resilient.
Indicative Price 45.00 USD - S0003448 STAT-PAK HIV1/2,cassette,kit/20
STAT-PAK HIV1/2,cassette,kit/20
Indicative Price 26.40 USD - S0305027 Gown,surg,nonsterile,nonwoven,HP,disp,XL
Gown, surgical, non-sterile, non-woven, HP, disposable, XL
Indicative Price 6.08 USD - S0004284 ONESTEPMalaria(Pf/Pv)Tri-lineTest,kit/25
ONESTEPMalaria(Pf/Pv)Tri-lineTest,kit/25Indicative Price 9.00 USD