- S5001000 Bag,UNICEF,blue polyester,360x230x610mm
UNICEF bag in cyan blue polyester printed with UNICEF logo in white; bag
dimensions 360 x 230 x 610mmIndicative Price 3.69 USD - S0004300 Oxygen concentrator, 10 LPM, resilient
Oxygen concentrator (10LPM) designed to be fit-for-purpose in low-resource settings: resilient in environments with high heat, humidity, dust, or poor-quality power, more energy efficient and solar-friendly, and easier to use and repair.
Indicative Price 1,815.00 USD - S359372 Yellow fever vaccine,vial of 5 doses
Yellow fever vaccine, vial of 5 doses
Indicative Price 6.75 USD - S359373 Yellow fever vaccine,vial of 10 doses
Yellow fever vaccine, vial of 10 doses
Indicative Price 18.00 USD - S1580105 Micronutrients tabs, pregnancy/BLIS-90
Micronutrients tabs, pregnancy/BLIS-90
Indicative Price 3.35 USD - S0004305 Blood grouping ABO&Rhd Dry type, Kit/50T
Blood grouping ABO and RhD Dry type test, 50T/Kit.
Indicative Price 47.47 USD - S0001807 Microcuvettes, HemoCue WBC Diff, BOX/50
Microcuvettes, HemoCue WBC Diff, BOX/200.
Indicative Price 130.85 USD - S0005035 Zhendre WIC-WIF Combi mono block 40m3
Zhendre Walk-in type, combined cold & freezer room, mono block, 40m3 for
storage of vaccines at national and sub-national levels.Indicative Price 36,809.07 USD