- S0004038 BiolineMalAgPf/PvNonSafetyLancet,kit/25
This material replaces the material S0003368 SD Bioline Malaria Pf/Pv, kit/25. But the product itself remains the same.
Indicative Price 7.50 USD - S0004270 OneStepMERISCREEN Mal Pf HRP-IIAg,kit/25
Rapid diagnostic test One Step test for Malaria MERISCREEN Malaria Pf HRP-II Ag, kit/25
Indicative Price 5.23 USD - S0004272 One Step MERISCREEN Mal Pf/Pv Ag, kit/25
Rapid diagnostic test One Step test for Malaria MERISCREEN Malaria Pf/Pv Ag, kit/25
Indicative Price 7.50 USD - S0004273 Diagnostic HIV(1+2)Ab colloi-gold Kit/50
Diagnostic HIV (1+2) Antibody colloid-gold Kit/50 Tests.
Indicative Price 37.00 USD - S0004280 Colloidal Gold, HIV RDT (Ab) HIV/Kit/50
Rapid Test for Antibody to HIV 1+2 (Colloidal Gold Device), 50T/kit.
Indicative Price 26.50 USD - S0003974 STANDARD Q HIV/Syphilis ComboTest,kit/25
STANDARD Q HIV/Syphilis Combo Test Kit/25T.Indicative Price 23.75 USD - S0003975 STANDARD Q Malaria Pf Ag Test,kit/25
STANDARD Q Malaria P.f Ag Test Kit/25 Test.
Indicative Price 5.00 USD - S0004283 HCV Rapid test withaccessories, kit/40
HCV Rapid test with accessories, kit/40 tests
Indicative Price 24.00 USD - S9901047 IEHK 2024,Suppl Medicine Cold Chain UNIT
Interagency Emergency Health Kit 2024 (IEHK 2024) Supplementary Medicine Cold Chain Unit.
This kit is meant for a population of 10,000 persons for a period of three (3) months.
Indicative Price 253.25 USD - S0845221 Pulse oximeter, fingertip, class IIb
Finger clip mounted, battery-powered, all-in-one pulse oximeter displaying patient oxygen saturation (SpO2) and pulse rate. Intended for spot-checking of adult and paediatric patients.
Indicative Price 153.55 USD