School-in-a-box,40 students, 2016
School-in-a-box for 40 students, 2016
Indicative Price 153.33 USD
General Description:
School-in-a-box for 40 students, 2016
Technical Specifications:
School-in-a-box kit 2016, for 40 students and 1 teacher with 42 components packed in 1 lockable metal box. The previous School in a Box (S9935098) was reviewed and the contents revised.
It is expected that the materials in this kit are sufficient for 3 months.
Origin : Items sourced and packed from Supply Division.
Material | Description | Qty |
S2270500 | Scissors ,all purpose,sharp,180mm | 1 |
S2512000 | Cubes,wood or plast.,coloured,set of 100 | 1 |
S2555010 | Scissors,safety,school,B/B,135mm/BOX-10 | 4 |
S2584000 | Crayon,wax,packs of 8 colours/BOX-10x8 | 4 |
S2687003 | Tape,adhesive,transp 1,5cm x 10m/BOX-20 | 2 |
S4325497 | Marker,flipchart ,colours,tip-5mm/PAC-4 | 2 |
S4416397 | Chalk,assorted colours/BOX-100 | 3 |
S4416504 | Brush,paint ,for chalkboard,50-60mm | 1 |
S4416506 | Duster/wiper for Blackboard | 2 |
S4416510 | Slate ,fibreboard,double-sided,A4/BOX-20 | 2 |
S4418400 | Compass,plastic, for Blackboard, 45cm | 1 |
S4419001 | Globe (Latest) inflatable, diam.42cm
| 1 |
S4460701 | Pencil,HB grade,black lead/Box-10 | 8 |
S4461002 | White pencil for slates,BOX-20 | 2 |
S4465700 | Paint,chalkboard,black | 2 |
S4467000 | Ruler,plastic,Blackboard,100cm | 1 |
S4491900 | Set Square ,Blackboard,30-60-90 degrees | 1 |
S4491904 | Set Square, Blackboard,45-45-90 degrees | 1 |
S4520110 | Eraser,soft,for pencil/BOX-20 | 4 |
S4552010 | Pencil sharpener,metal/PAC-20 | 2 |
S5001010 | Box,metal ,lockable,for storage | 1 |
S4570005 | Ruler,plastic,c.30cm,set of 10 | 4 |
S4417230 | Clock ,teaching,wood or plastic | 1 |
S5001006 | Bag, plastic, interlock seal/PAC-20 | 2 |
S0544210 | Register ,A4,squared,80 pgs/PAC-10 | 1 |
S4410021 | Book,exercise,A4,ruled-8mm,96 pgs/PAC-10 | 1 |
S4410010 | Book,exercise,A5,ruled-8mm,48 pgs/PAC-20 | 2 |
S4410020 | Book,exercise,A5 ,5mm-sqre,48 pgs/PAC-20 | 2 |
S4460005 | Pen,ball-point,blue/BOX-10 | 8 |
S4460007 | Pen,ball-point ,black/BOX-10 | 8 |
S4416403 | Chalk,white/yellow,BOX-100 | 3 |
S4460006 | Pen,ball-point,red/BOX-10 | 1 |
S4420000 | Posters ,plasticized paper,set of 3 | 1 |
S4462100 | Protractor, plastic for blackboard 44cm | 1 |
S4516510 | Student's Geometry sets, Box-20 | 2 |
S8794601 | Arm Bands, Education, Cyan blue, cloth | 2 |
S4410003 | Bristol paper,colored, A4, 180 gsm, pack | 1 |
S2687004 | Duct tape, 50mm, silver | 1 |
S1993550 | Users guide School in a Box Kit, English | 1 |
S1993551 | Users guide School in a Box Kit, French | 1 |
S1993320 | Children w/ Disability Guide SiB | 1 |
S1993323 | Education Kit Feedback form, A4 | 1 |
All components are supplied ready-packed in the metal storage box marked.
The box comes with 2 padlocks which can be used to lock the contents of the kit when not in use.
Transport and Storage:
Cold chain: No
Dangerous good: No
Batch managed: No
Weight and Volume
Estimated weight of the kit is: 44kg
Estimated volume of the kits is: 0.120cbm
Estimated dimensions of the kits are: 0.80L x 0.55W x 0.25m H
The ink in the pens may dry out if lids are not correctly replaced and/or fitted. The box is supplied with 2 padlocks that can be used to lock the box when contents is not in use
Instruction for use:
The kit is designed to be used by 40 children and 1 teacher.
Precondition for utilization:
The School-in-a-Box guidelines for use are available in English.
Click here
Alternative, if the item is not available:
#1. Packed from China or Turkiye suppliers: School-in-a-box,40 students, Ready-Made (S5033105 -) or School-in-a-carton,40 students, Ready-Made (S5033106 -) could be used where the kit is packed from either China or Turkiye.
#2. Packed from Supply Division : School-in-a-carton,40 students, 2016 ( S9935011 -) could be used where the additional cost of the box is an issue. The School-in-a-carton contains the same items as the equivalent School-in-a-box as the only difference is the replacement of the metal box with a carton. The School-in-a-bag kit ( S9935019 -) provides basic materials for 40 students and 1 teacher
Complementary Requirements, to be ordered separately:
S9935099 Extra materials for 40 Students; a requirement if the class is larger than 40 students;
Replenishment kit for S9935097 School-in-a-Box kit (S9935095) replenishes items that may become exhausted
Emergency scenarios
All emergencies situations where children can safely get to and from the learning area and where activities connected to the kit can be safely carried out.
Context in which item is mainly used:
The kit can be used in both Emergency situations as well as in regular programme.
Target population:
The kit is intended for children aged 6 years and over.
User Manual
The user manuals are available on the internet
The Disability Guide for SIB kit on the internet
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