- S359129 DTP-HepB-Hib vac.,liquid,vial of 10 dose
DTP-HepB-Hib vaccine (Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Hepatitis B and Haemophilus Influenza vaccine) in vials of 10 doses
Indicative Price 8.55 USD - S359213 Inactivated polio vaccine,vial of 10 ds
Inactivated polio vaccine, vial of 10 doses.
Indicative Price 32.00 USD - S359241 DTP-HepB-Hib vaccine,vial of 1 dose
DTP-HepB-Hib vaccine, vial of 1 dose.
Indicative Price 1.29 USD - S359320 HepB vaccines, adult, vials of 1 dose
HepB vaccine, adult, vial of 1 doseIndicative Price 0.75 USD - S359321 HepB vaccine, pediatric, vial of 1 dose
HepB vaccine, pediatric, vial of 1 dose
Indicative Price 0.55 USD - S359323 HepB vaccine, pediatric, vial of 10 dose
HepB vaccine, pediatric, vial of 10 dosesIndicative Price 2.70 USD - S359372 Yellow fever vaccine,vial of 5 doses
Yellow fever vaccine, vial of 5 doses
Indicative Price 6.75 USD - S359373 Yellow fever vaccine,vial of 10 doses
Yellow fever vaccine, vial of 10 doses
Indicative Price 18.00 USD - S359421 Hib vaccine,lyop.,vial of single dose
Hib vaccine, lyophilized, vial of single doseIndicative Price 2.25 USD - S359427 Hib vaccine,liquid,vial of 10 doses
Hib vaccine, liquid, vial of 10 doses.
Indicative Price : Upon Request