- S9910002 Surg.inst.,curettage /SET
The set contains twelve basic surgical instruments and a bowl an can be used to carry out curettages. This kit contains the instruments only, no storage box.Indicative Price 77.74 USD - S9910001 Surg.inst.,basic surgery /SET
This set contains fourteen basic instrument and a bowl, it is sufficient for most examinations of complex wounds, appendectomy according to Mac Burney, non-complicated ruptures, etc. It is the best basic emergency surgical box. This kit contains the instruments only, no storage box.Indicative Price 43.74 USD - S9910000 Surg.inst.,abdominal /SET
The abdominal contains thirty surgical instrument set can be used either for interventions in abdominal emergencies such as exploratory laparotomies, caesarean sections, etc., or common interventions, especially gynaecology. This kit contains the instruments only, no storage box.Indicative Price 164.51 USD