- S0009304 Handpump,VLOM-65,MKIII,Spare Parts
Open top Hand Pump, VLOM-65, (INDIA MARK III-65 (SKAT) - IM III - Mark
III type), Variant number 4 packageIndicative Price 9.60 USD - S0002204 Vacc.carr.,B.Kings BK-VC1.7,PQS E004/021
Large vaccine carrier with a vaccine storage capacity of 1.7 litres; cold life 38 hoursIndicative Price 12.50 USD - S359510 Rotavirus vac.,penta,tube of 1 dose
Rotavirus vaccine (Live attenuated Human Rotavirus vaccine produced on
Vero cells), penta, polyethylene tube of 1 dose, no VVMIndicative Price 3.20 USD - S0002162 Trolley,emergency,w/drawers
Emergency response trolley with minimum four centrally lockable drawers and a worksurface.Indicative Price 369.87 USD - S359500 Rotavirus vac.,mono,tube of 1 dose
Rotavirus vaccine (Live attenuated Human Rotavirus vaccine produced on
Vero cells) polyethylene tube of 1 dose with VVM14Indicative Price 2.15 USD - S0000581 Microcuvette,for Glucose 201+/BOX-100
Microcuvettes, for HemoCue Glucose 201+/BOX-100
Indicative Price 57.22 USD - S0002366 Vacc. carr,Apex AIVC-44LR,PQS E004/044
Vaccine carrier,Large, Long range vaccine storage capacity 1.67 litres.
Cold life 35.7 hours.Indicative Price 10.75 USD - S4465700 Paint,chalkboard,black
Black paint for blackboards; paint is non-inflammable, non-toxic, and water-basedIndicative Price 1.22 USD - S0009194 Handpump,AFRIDEV,Spare Parts List
Standard Spare Parts Kit for Maintenance of AFRIDEV Hand PumpsIndicative Price 8.70 USD - S0009180 Handpump,SDWP,India MKII,Spare Parts,Std
Standard Spare Parts Kit for Maintenance of SDWP (India Mk-II) Hand
PumpsIndicative Price 10.50 USD