- S0001318 Centrifuge, manual, 4 positions
Centrifuge, manual, 4 positionsIndicative Price 357.19 USD - S0745500 Scalpel handle,no.4
Scalpel handle no. 4.
Indicative Price 0.52 USD - S9935080 Arabic Student Kit Grade 1-4
Arabic Student Kit for Grades 1 to 4.
Indicative Price 96.36 USD - S0745000 Scalpel handle,no.3
Scalpel handle no. 3.
Indicative Price 0.86 USD - S2731220 Hard surface Football, Size 4
Rubber football for use on hard surfaces, size 4.Indicative Price 7.11 USD - S1802209 Battery,drycell,alkaline,'AA',1.5V/PAC-4
Battery, dry cell, alkaline, "AA" type, 1.5V, foil pack of 4.
Indicative Price 1.23 USD - S2795802 Board Games, box of 3 games
Board Games, box of 3 games
Indicative Price 1.82 USD - S2795803 Hackey Sack, Synthetic leather, pac/3
Hackey Sack, Synthetic leather, pac/3
Indicative Price 0.79 USD - S0009191 Handpump,AFRIDEV, Variant 4 Package,30m
Complete Hand Pump package, AFRIDEV type, for 30 metres installation depth, "Variant 4 package" with UPVC cylinder/risers and Pump Rods of FRP with SS Couplers.Indicative Price 318.00 USD