- S0004273 Diagnostic HIV(1+2)Ab colloi-gold Kit/50
Diagnostic HIV (1+2) Antibody colloid-gold Kit/50 Tests.
Indicative Price 37.00 USD - S0003406 Uni-Gold HIV1/2,kit/20
Uni-Gold HIV 1/2 Kit/20 Tests.
Indicative Price 32.00 USD - S0003959 One Step HIV1/2, 18Gsafetylancet,kit/25T
One Step HIV 1/2 Whole Blood/Serum/Plasma Test with 18G safety lancet, kit/25 tests.
Indicative Price 18.25 USD - S0003849 ONE STEP Anti-HIV (1&2) with acc, kit/40
ONE STEP Anti-HIV (1&2) with accessories, kit/40.
Indicative Price 23.60 USD - S0004277 MERISCREEN HIV 1-2 WB, kit/50Tests
MERISCREEN HIV 1-2 WB, kit/50TestsIndicative Price 36.75 USD - S0004276 FirstRespoHIV1-2.O Cardtest,V2, kit/100T
First Response HIV 1-2.O Card test (Version 2.0), kit/100 tests.
Indicative Price 75.00 USD - S0003360 FirstResponseHIV1-2.O Cardtest,V2,kit/30
First Response HIV 1-2.O Card test (Version 2.0), kit/30 tests.
Indicative Price 22.50 USD - S0001753 AbbottRT SARS-CoV-2 AmplReagKit, pack/96
Abbott RealTime SARS-CoV-2 Amplification Reagent Kit, Pack/96 (4 packs, 24 tests/pack)Indicative Price 550.06 USD - S1532008 Amod76.5mg+SP262.5mg disp tab/3+1/PAC-50
Amodiaquine 76.5mg (as hydrochloride) + Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine 250 mg+ 12.5 mg dispersible tablets, Co-Blister of 3+1 tablets. Packed in a pack of 50 blisters.Indicative Price 14.59 USD - S1532009 Amod 153mg+ SP 525mg disp tab/3+1/PAC-50
Amodiaquine 153mg (as hydrochloride) + Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine 500 mg+ 25 mg dispersible tablets Co-Blister of 3+1 tablets. Packed in a pack of 50 blisters.Indicative Price 16.25 USD