- S359421 Hib vaccine,lyop.,vial of single dose
Hib vaccine, lyophilized, vial of single doseIndicative Price : Upon Request - S0009318 Handpump,EDWP,INDIA MKII,Spare Parts,Std
Standard Spare Parts Kit for Maintenance of EDWP (India Mk-II EDW) Hand
PumpsIndicative Price 14.00 USD - S0845184 Stethoscope, neonatal, binaural,complete
Stethoscope, binaural, with a dual head chest piece containing a diaphragm and a bell cup suitable for use with newborns and infants, comes with spare diaphragm and ear pieces.
Indicative Price 2.47 USD - S0004188 FirstResponseSyphAnti-TPCardTest,kit/100
First Response Syphilis Anti-TP Card Test, kit/100 tests
Indicative Price 70.00 USD - S0001519 Freezer, lab, -20C, 140L
Freezer lab -20C, 268L
Model: MDF-25V268E
Indicative Price 954.00 USD - S0006280 Lancet, safety, 2.0 mm, disp, BOX/200
Lancet, safety, 2.0 mm, disposable, box/200
Indicative Price 19.09 USD - S0004018 Cushion,wheelchair,pressure,deep,section
Pressure-redistribution cushion with deep/full offloading or immersion/envelopment features: Cushion with multiple sections without dedicated structural base.
For CHILD or ADULT wheelchair users who are at risk of, or have existing or previous pressure injuries, and who need good support to maintain stability and an aligned posture. Cushion and cover function to reduce heat and moisture generated when the user is sitting on the cushion.
Indicative Price 200.95 USD - S0845029 Oxygen Analyzer, ultrasonic, handheld
Hand held, battery powered device that measures the oxygen concentration in a flow of gas from a medical gas source or, with adapters, through a medical gas-flow device such as a ventilator or anaesthesia system. The intended application is checking gas supply equipment performance.
Indicative Price 494.00 USD - S0005898 Manganese, reagent for photometer
Box of photometer reagents to measure Manganese in drinking water using S0005828 or S0000567 or S0005857
Indicative Price 110.02 USD