- S0005032 Zhendre WIC mono block 40m3
Zhendre Walk-in type cold room, mono block, 40m3 for storage of vaccines
at national and sub-national levels.Indicative Price 23,231.29 USD - S9906751 Nut kit inpatient module-med supplies2
Please note that this kit has replaced S0114053 Nut. kit, inpatient,
module-med. Supplies
Nut. kit, inpatient, module-med supplies2Indicative Price 1,098.36 USD - S0004057 CPAP,bubble,newborn,w/compressor & SpO2
Bubble CPAP non-invasive respiratory support system, for all normal , premature and low birth-weight neonates. Comes with integrated air compressor, SpO₂, humidifier, air/oxygen mixer , and accessories.Indicative Price 6,100.00 USD - S0106000 Drum,sterilizing,165mm diam
Drum, sterilizing, 165 mm diameter.
Indicative Price 6.49 USD