- S0145632 MUAC,Adult,w/o color code,PAC-50,French
Adults' Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) measuring tape with a range of up to 50 cm. Pack of 50 tapes with pictorial and text instructions
for use, reusable, in French language.
Indicative Price 1.29 USD - S0145633 MUAC,Adult,w/o color code,PAC-50,Spanish
Adults' Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) measuring tape with a range of up to 50 cm. Pack of 50 tapes with pictorial and text instructions
for use, reusable, in Spanish language.
Indicative Price 1.29 USD - S1561146 ORS low osm. flavour 4.1g/0.2L/PAC-10
Oral Rehydration Salt powder for dilution in 200 ml (0.2 litre) of purified/boiled and cooled water, orange flavoured, in a sachet, pack of 10 sachets including patient information leaflet/directions for use.
Indicative Price 0.96 USD - S0005862 EWTU core module
Emergency Water Treatment Unit (EWTU) core module can remove turbidity from raw water of up to 20NTU at a rate of 5m3/h. Additional modules can be added to remove higher turbidity, or to disinfect water.
Indicative Price 11,989.02 USD - S0845156 Ophthalmoscope,set
Ophthalmoscope set to visualize the interior of the eye, with the instrument relatively close to the subject's eye and the observer viewing an upright magnified image. Ophthalmoscope set composed of diagnostic head threaded on a handle.Indicative Price 76.11 USD - S0005858 Port.Water Tst Kit, Adv, Heavy Metals
Portable and rugged water quality test kit intended to be used on site or in a laboratory to test water for heavy metals.
Indicative Price 3,298.60 USD - S0845055 Flow meter, 0 – 8 LPM oxygen
Medical gas flow meter (Thorpe tube design) to regulate and measure the flow rate of medical gas supplied to a patient, maximum flow rate 8 LPM, for medical oxygen Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ): 50 pieces
Indicative Price 90.10 USD - S0000323 LNS-SQ Lipid Nut. Suppl. Sml 20g/CAR-600
LNS-SQ Lipid Nut. Suppl. Small Qty. 20g, ready-to-Use Lipid-based Nutrient Supplement (LNS-SQ) paste is a nutritional fortified food used for complementing the diet of infants and young children with essential nutrientsIndicative Price 60.03 USD - S0009321 Handpump,U3M,63mm-PVC,30m,Variant 1
Open top Hand Pump, Uganda U3 Modified Deep-well Hand Pump (U3M), for corrosion resistant installation, with UPVC riser pipes, for cylinder installation depth of 30 meters, Variant 1 package with light Handle and Afridev A-Stand.Indicative Price 376.00 USD