- S359186 OPV1,monovalent type 1,vial of 20 doses
Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV type 1), vial of 20 doses
Indicative Price 1.95 USD - S359321 HepB vaccine, pediatric, vial of 1 dose
HepB vaccine, pediatric, vial of 1 dose
Indicative Price 0.55 USD - S359323 HepB vaccine, pediatric, vial of 10 dose
HepB vaccine, pediatric, vial of 10 dosesIndicative Price 2.70 USD - S0000902 Learning Pass. Offline Server Pack - Mid
The offline Learning Passport medium deployment hardware package (allows up to 100 children to connect). Enables children without access to the internet to access digital learning content and record achievements.Indicative Price 897.08 USD - S359143 Td vaccine for adults,vial of 10 doses
Td vaccine for adults, adsorbed, vial of 10 doses
Indicative Price 1.81 USD - S359372 Yellow fever vaccine,vial of 5 doses
Yellow fever vaccine, vial of 5 doses
Indicative Price 6.75 USD - S359373 Yellow fever vaccine,vial of 10 doses
Yellow fever vaccine, vial of 10 doses
Indicative Price 18.00 USD - S359421 Hib vaccine,lyop.,vial of single dose
Hib vaccine, lyophilized, vial of single doseIndicative Price 2.25 USD - S0000242 RUTF biscuit,packs,510g./CAR-24
Ready to Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF), Biscuit, pack of 9 bars, 510 grams. 24 packs per carton. BP-100, RUTF biscuit is to be used by humanitarian agencies, governmental and non-governmental organisations for the treatment of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) in any cultural setting. RUTF biscuit may be used in a wide variation of climatic zones and may be the sole source of food, except for water and breast milk, during the period of use.Indicative Price 57.98 USD - S359123 DTP vaccine,adsorbed,vial of 10 doses
DTP vaccine, adsorbed, vial of 10 doses
Indicative Price 2.49 USD