- S0004190 FirstResponseSyph Anti-TPCardTest,kit/25
First Response Syphilis Anti-TP Card Test, kit/25 tests
Indicative Price 17.50 USD - S0003853 Rapid Anti-HCVTest wthaccessories,kit/40
Rapid Anti‐HCV Test with accessories, kit/40
Indicative Price 28.00 USD - S0003872 FirstResponseHIV1+2/SyphComboCard,kit/25
Rapid diagnostic test First Response HIV1+2/Syphilis Combo Card Test, kit/25
Indicative Price 23.75 USD - S0003874 FirstResponseHIV1+2/SyphComboCard,kit/50
Rapid diagnostic test First Response HIV1+2/Syphilis Combo Card Test, kit/50Indicative Price 47.50 USD - S0004273 Diagnostic HIV(1+2)Ab colloi-gold Kit/50
Diagnostic HIV (1+2) Antibody colloid-gold Kit/50 Tests.
Indicative Price 37.00 USD - S0004276 FirstRespoHIV1-2.O Cardtest,V2, kit/100T
First Response HIV 1-2.O Card test (Version 2.0), kit/100 tests.
Indicative Price 75.00 USD - S1537120 Sulf.800mg+Trimet.160mg tabs/PAC-10x10
Sulfamethoxazole 800mg + Trimethoprim 160mg tablets, blister pack of 10x10.Indicative Price 2.36 USD - S1537150 Sulf.100mg+Trimet.20mg disp.tab/PAC10x10
Sulfamethoxazole 100mg + Trimethoprim 20mg dispersible tablets, pack of 10x10.Indicative Price 2.68 USD - S1537110 Sulf.400mg+Trimet.80mg tabs/PAC-10x10
Sulfamethoxazole 400mg + Trimethoprim 80mg tablets, blister pack of 10x10.Indicative Price 3.40 USD - S0003849 ONE STEP Anti-HIV (1&2) with acc, kit/40
ONE STEP Anti-HIV (1&2) with accessories, kit/40.
Indicative Price 23.60 USD