- S0003355 Determine HBsAg2 withaccessories,kit/100
Determine HBsAg 2 RDT with accessories, kit/100 Tests.
Indicative Price 110.00 USD - S0004188 FirstResponseSyphAnti-TPCardTest,kit/100
First Response Syphilis Anti-TP Card Test, kit/100 tests
Indicative Price 70.00 USD - S0004189 FirstResponseSyph Anti-TPCardTest,kit/50
First Response Syphilis Anti-TP Card Test, kit/50 tests
Indicative Price 35.00 USD - S0004190 FirstResponseSyph Anti-TPCardTest,kit/25
First Response Syphilis Anti-TP Card Test, kit/25 tests
Indicative Price 17.50 USD - S0005143 SDD Ref. Haier HTC110SDD E003/076
Solar Direct Drive Refrigerator for Storage of Vaccines
Haier HTC110SDD E003/076
Ambient operating temperature: Min. +5°C, Max. +43°C
Net vaccine storage volume: 59 L
Supplied as a complete plug & play solar system including a temperature monitoring device.Indicative Price 2,750.00 USD - S0005146 SDD Ref. SureChill GVR50DC E003/049
Solar Direct Drive Refrigerator for Storage of Vaccines
SureChill GVR50DC E003/049
Ambient operating temperature: Min. +10°C, Max. +43°C
Net vaccine storage volume: 46.5 L
Supplied as a complete plug & play solar system including a temperature monitoring device.Indicative Price 2,850.00 USD - S0005147 SDD Ref. SureChill GVR100DC E003/050
Solar Direct Drive Refrigerator for Storage of Vaccines
SureChill GVR100DC E003/050
Ambient operating temperature: Min. +10°C, Max. +43°C
Net vaccine storage volume: 99 L
Supplied as a complete plug & play solar system including a temperature monitoring device.Indicative Price 3,550.00 USD - S0002479 Mains Ref & Frz Haier HBCD-90 E003/097
Mains Powered, Ice-lined Combined Refrigerator & Waterpack Freezer for Storage of Vaccines
Haier HBCD-90 E003/097
Ambient operating temperature: Min. +5°C, Max. +43°C
Net vaccine storage volume: 30 L
Supplied with voltage regulator and temperature monitoring device.
Indicative Price 1,733.00 USD - S0002490 Mains Ref&Frz SureChl GVR55FFAC E003/103
Mains Powered, Combined Ice-lined Refrigerator & Waterpack Freezer for Storage of Vaccines
SureChill GVR55FF AC E003/103
Ambient operating temperature: Min. +10°C, Max. +43°C
Net vaccine storage volume: 58 L
Supplied with voltage regulator and temperature monitoring device.
Indicative Price 1,530.00 USD - S0002499 SDD Ref. Haier HTC-120 E003/116
Mains Powered, Ice-lined Refrigerator for Storage of Vaccines
Haier HBC-240 E003/115
Ambient operating temperature: Min. +5°C, Max. +43°C
Net vaccine storage volume: 200 L
Supplied with voltage regulator and temperature monitoring device.
Indicative Price 3,450.00 USD