- S5001200 Bag,school,students,UNICEF,400x270x100mm
School bag in cyan blue nylon polyester printed with UNICEF logo in white, bag dimensions 400mm x 270mm x 100mmIndicative Price 1.91 USD - S5001300 Bag,school,UNICEF,ARABIC,400x270x100mm
Bag, school, UNICEF, ARABIC, 400x270x100mmIndicative Price 1.87 USD - S9935097 School-in-a-box,40 students, 2016
School-in-a-box for 40 students, 2016Indicative Price 154.34 USD - S5006019 Water tank,collapsible,5000l,w/dist.kit
Water tank, 5000 liters (5 cbm), collapsible, complete set including kit for water distribution with six taps, connection kit, installation kit and repair kit. Food grade material.
Indicative Price 1,222.79 USD