- S0002700 Circumcision device,ster,s.u.11mm,PAC-50
Circumcision device sterile disposable for adolescent and adult male 11mm (Z) pack of 50
Indicative Price 676.00 USD - S0114051 Nut. kit,inpatient,module-registration
Nutrition kit, inpatient, module-registration, KMEDMNUTI11 equipmentused in inpatient therapeutic feeding centres for severely acutemalnourished children.Indicative Price 629.07 USD - S0002062 ECG recorder,portable,w/access
Electrocardiograph (ECG) digital monitor and recorder, 12-leads detection, multi-channel recording, portable, AC and battery powered , with printer and accessories.Indicative Price 707.00 USD - S0006638 GM360,extended control head version
Motorola GM360 Mobile station kit, extended control head versionIndicative Price 763.85 USD - S0002069 CTG monitor,with accessories
Cardiotocograph (CTG monitor), also refereed to as an antepartum foetal monitor). This tabletop unit includes normal and twins Foetal Heart Rate (FHR) and Uterine Contraction (UC) detection, is AC and battery powered and fitted with a loudspeaker, an event marker, a printer and supplied including accessories.
Indicative Price 1,364.00 USD - S0114055 Nut. kit,outpatient,module-registration
Nutrition kit, outpatient, module-registration, KMEDMNUTO11. Equipmentused in outpatient therapeutic feeding centres intended for severelyacute malnourished childrenIndicative Price 1,716.43 USD - S0006629 VHF mobile station kit,Motorola GM360
Complete VHF mobile station kit, 25 Watt, 255 channels, consisting of Motorola GM360, with fixed mount 5/8 wavelength mobile antenna, cables and microphone. (for base-station see catalogue number: S0006630).
Indicative Price 366.68 USD - S0002701 Circumcision device,ster,s.u.12mm,PAC-50
Circumcision device sterile disposable for adolescent and adult male 12mm (Y) pack of 50
Indicative Price 676.00 USD - S0002702 Circumcision device,ster,s.u.13mm,PAC-50
Circumcision device sterile disposable for adolescent and adult male 13mm (X) pack of 50
Indicative Price 676.00 USD - S0002703 Circumcision device,ster,s.u.14mm,PAC-50
Circumcision device sterile disposable for adolescent and adult male 14m(W) pack of 50
Indicative Price 676.00 USD