EWTU additional treatment module
Emergency Water Treatment Unit (EWTU) additional treatment module must be ordered with the EWTU core module. It is added to the EWTU core module to reduce Total Dissolved Solids (salinity) from brackish water (10,000 mg/l TDS) at a rate of approximately 1m3/h.
Indicative Price 48,712.60 USD
General Description:
EWTU is a mobile and quick to install unit to treat drinking water. It is composed of several modules to form a complete treatment system based on raw surface water source.
EWTU additional treatment module is meant to be used with brackish water and is added to the core module to reduce total dissolved solids down to about 1,000 mg/l TDS, from raw water sources of up to 10,000 mg/l TDS.
It uses a continuous process, with a production rate of about 1m3/h.
EWTU additional treatment module uses an additional power/pumping source supplied with it.
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