- S5006129 Chlorine/pH visual comparator
A simple, lightweight, small and robust field visual comparator for the rapid measure of chlorine and pH in water. Includes start up consumables (20 to 50 DPD1 tablets and 20 to 50 phenol red tablets) and a box of 250 DPD1 tabletsIndicative Price 9.31 USD - S5006017 Pump,sbmr,dewat/desludging,w/gen.DIESEL
Lightweight electrical submersible dewatering or desludging pump for heavily contaminated water with solids up to 50 mm in diameter. Maximum head is 20 m.Indicative Price 11,783.97 USD - S9935011 School-in-a-carton,40 students, 2016
School-in-a-carton for 40 students, 2016Indicative Price 103.75 USD - S9903004 AWD Periphery kit Drug
AWD Periphery kit Drug
Indicative Price 994.73 USD - S9908300 Obstetric,surgical kit,suppl.1-drugs
Obstetric, surgical kit, supplementary 1, drugs.Indicative Price 3,839.92 USD - S9903005 AWD Community Kit Drug
AWD Community Kit Drug
Indicative Price 131.29 USD - S9935065 ECD kit-in-a-carton, 2016
ECD kit-in-a-carton, 2016Indicative Price 104.04 USD - S9901044 IEHK 2024,Suppl. Medicine Inj. UNIT
Interagency Emergency Health Kit 2024 (IEHK 2024) Supplementary Medicine Injectable Unit.
Each Supplementary injectable medicines unit contains injectable essential medicines for a population of 10,000 persons for a period of three (3) months.
Indicative Price 2,134.70 USD