- S5006122 WASH&DignityKit,firstResp,1HH,noPurifTab
First Response WASH & Dignity family kit sufficient for the needs of 1 family - for immediate/early response in emergencies.
Indicative Price 43.50 USD - S0114052 Nut. kit,inpatient,module-equipment
Nutrition kit, inpatient, module-equipment, KMEDMNUTI12 equipment usedin inpatient therapeutic feeding centres for severely acute malnourishedchildrenIndicative Price 1,623.28 USD - S9935034 Recreation kit-in-a-carton, 2016
Recreation kit-in-a-carton 2016 for individual and team sports.
Indicative Price 120.94 USD - S9903000 AWD, Community kit, Community Care
Community Care module, part of the interagency Acute Watery Diarrhoea (AWD) Community response kitIndicative Price 212.24 USD - S0009322 Handpump,VLOM 50-PVC,RECOMMENDED,30m
Hand pump package, Open top Hand Pump, VLOM-50 uPVC, (India Mark III-50), Recommended General Package, with Telescopic Stand and UPVC riser pipes for UPVC cylinder installation to 30 meters
Indicative Price 340.00 USD - S0002129 IFI_Berlinger Freeze-tag
The Berlinger Freeze-tag is an electronic Irreversible Freeze Indicator (IFI) with an internal sensor, factory-programmed alarm and visual display for indicating a freeze event during transport or storage of freeze-sensitive vaccines. The device indicates via a visual alarm when an exposure to temperatures below -0.5°C for longer than 60 minutes has occurred. The device is shipped activated from the manufacturer and once an alarm has been triggered, cannot be re-used.Indicative Price 12.84 USD