- S0009090 Pump,dewatering,submersible,electrical
Heavy duty pump for dewatering, capable of handling water with small
solids in suspension.Indicative Price 7,011.01 USD - S0742400 Forceps,uterine,Museux,240mm,cvd
Forceps, uterine, vulsellum, Museux, 240 mm, curved.
Indicative Price 3.99 USD - S1568045 Sulfadox+Pyrimeth 500+25mg tabs/PAC-1000
Sulfadoxine 500mg + Pyrimethamine 25mg tablets, pack of 1000.Indicative Price 99.01 USD - S0000590 Photometer,HemoCue Glucose 201+/SET
Photometer,HemoCue glucose 201+/set
Indicative Price 547.30 USD - S0001207 FACSCount,CD4[abs,%],50 tests
FACSCount, CD4 (absolute, percentage) reganet, 50 testsIndicative Price 291.56 USD - S0002376 Mains Frz. Vestfrost MF314 E003/023
Mains Powered Vaccine/Waterpack Freezer
Vestfrost MF314 E003/023
Ambient operating temperature: Max. +43°C
Supplied with voltage regulator.Indicative Price 1,299.82 USD - S0305135 Mask,surgic,typeIIR,tiestrap,disp.pack50
Mask,surgic,typeIIR,tiestrap,disp.pack50Indicative Price 2.58 USD