- S0791500 Vacuum extractor,Bird,manual,comple.set
Vacuum extractor, Bird (anterior), manual, including two sizes Bird type anterior, two sizes soft cups, and all other required accessories.
Indicative Price 491.82 USD - S0009304 Handpump,VLOM-65,MKIII,Spare Parts
Open top Hand Pump, VLOM-65, (INDIA MARK III-65 (SKAT) - IM III - Mark
III type), Variant number 4 packageIndicative Price 9.60 USD - S0000569 Calcium Hypochlor. 68%,AIR/BOX-9x450g **
Calcium hypochlorite 67% in granules or powder (stable bleaching powder) of “HTH” equivalent quality, supplied in IATA packs of 9x450g bottle for AIR shipment. PASSENGER
FLIGHT shipping possible.
Indicative Price 32.85 USD - S0002092 Cold box,B.Kings CB/55-CF,PQS E004/019
Vaccine cold box, small, short range, vaccine storage capacity 7 litres.
Cold life 89 hours.
Indicative Price 75.00 USD - S0002204 Vacc.carr.,B.Kings BK-VC1.7,PQS E004/021
Large vaccine carrier with a vaccine storage capacity of 1.7 litres; cold life 38 hoursIndicative Price 12.50 USD - S0002219 Vac.carr.,B.Kings BK-VC2.6,PQS E004/020
Large vaccine carrier with vaccine storage capacity of 2.6 litres; cold life 43 hours
Indicative Price 16.00 USD - S0002357 Cold box,BK CB 12 CF,PQS E004/018
Cold box,Small,Long range. Vaccine storage capacity 12 litres.
Cold life @43°C 156 hours.Indicative Price 95.00 USD - S0791501 Vacuum extractor,Bird(ant&post),manu,set
Vacuum extractor, Bird (anterior), manual, including two Bird type anterior and one posterior cup, two sizes soft cups and all other required accessories.
Indicative Price 530.66 USD - S0002238 Cold box,RCW 12/CF,PQS E004/004
Small, long range vaccine cold box with a vaccine storage capacity of 7 litres; cold life 114 hours
Indicative Price 648.23 USD - S0002350 Cold box,Apex AICB-503 L,PQS E004/031
Cold box, Large,Long range, vaccine storage capacity 22.5 litres.
Cold life @ 43°C 128.16 hours.Indicative Price 104.63 USD