- S0000569 Calcium Hypochlor. 68%,AIR/BOX-9x450g **
Calcium hypochlorite 67% in granules or powder (stable bleaching powder) of “HTH” equivalent quality, supplied in IATA packs of 9x450g bottle for AIR shipment. PASSENGER
FLIGHT shipping possible.
Indicative Price 32.85 USD - S0005878 Chlorine, NaDCC 55%, Granules,25 kg
Chlorine for Water purification, as Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC)
granules, 55-56%, in drum of 25kgIndicative Price 176.14 USD - S0005879 Chlorine, NaDCC 55%, Granules,40 kg
Chlorine for Water purification, as Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC)
granules, 55-56%, in drum of 40kgIndicative Price 417.55 USD - S0005521 Arsenic test kit,extended range **
Visual Arsenic test kit for field use, including 100 tests. 24months shelf life.
Indicative Price 56.08 USD - S0005877 Chlorine, NaDCC 55%, Granules,5 kg
Chlorine for Water purification, as Sodium Dichloroisocyanurate (NaDCC)
granules, 55-56%, in tub of 5kgIndicative Price 43.33 USD - S1511500 Beclometa.oral inh. 0.05mg/ds 200ds
Beclometasone oral inhaler 0.05mg per dose, aerosol of 200 doses.Indicative Price 5.61 USD - S0002145 GeneXpert IV, UPS
Cepheid GeneXpert IV UPS.Indicative Price 790.00 USD - S1802209 Battery,drycell,alkaline,'AA',1.5V/PAC-4
Battery, dry cell, alkaline, "AA" type, 1.5V, foil pack of 4.
Indicative Price 1.24 USD - S1562020 Salbutamol oral inh. 0.1mg/ds 200ds
Salbutamol oral inhaler 0.05mg per dose, aerosol of 200 doses.Indicative Price 1.48 USD - S0003205 Potassium iodate,drum of 10kg **
For use in the manufacture of iodized salt for human consumption, necessary to address iodine deficiency. Packed in fiber drums of 10 kg.Indicative Price 522.00 USD