- S0845049 Nasal Catheter, 8 Fr
A flexible 8 Fr tube, typically lubricated with a water-soluble gel, that is inserted through a naris to deliver supplemental oxygen (O2) to the nasopharynx. This is a single-use device.
Indicative Price 0.36 USD - S5033101 Recreation Kit-in-a-carton, Ready-Made
Recreation Kit in a carton for individual and team sports.Indicative Price 228.63 USD - S0114052 Nut. kit,inpatient,module-equipment
Nutrition kit, inpatient, module-equipment, KMEDMNUTI12 equipment usedin inpatient therapeutic feeding centres for severely acute malnourishedchildrenIndicative Price 1,623.28 USD - S9908300 Obstetric,surgical kit,suppl.1-drugs
Obstetric, surgical kit, supplementary 1, drugs.Indicative Price 3,799.98 USD - S0845045 Spares kit, Caire 5LPM oxygen concentr
Spare parts kit for 5 LPM oxygen concentrator (S0845041) maintenance and service, for use by trained technical staff. One kit recommended to be purchased with every 10 concentrators. The minimum quantities below are based on an estimated maintenance support period of 5 years.
Indicative Price 1,049.38 USD - S0845215 Laryngoscope,neonate,set
Laryngoscope set for neonates, including pre-terms, exists of a handle containg batteries and two straight, Miller type depressor blades.Indicative Price 93.16 USD