- S0002025 Electrosurgical unit,w/access
Electrosurgical unit, for general surgery, mono- and bi-polar, including a trolley and accessories.Indicative Price 5,418.77 USD - S0004018 Cushion,wheelchair,pressure,deep,section
Pressure-redistribution cushion with deep/full offloading or immersion/envelopment features: Cushion with multiple sections without dedicated structural base.
For CHILD or ADULT wheelchair users who are at risk of, or have existing or previous pressure injuries, and who need good support to maintain stability and an aligned posture. Cushion and cover function to reduce heat and moisture generated when the user is sitting on the cushion.
Indicative Price 198.44 USD - S9935019 School-in-a-bag kit,40 student,1 teacher
School-in-a-bag kit for 40 students and 1 teacher
Indicative Price 80.55 USD - S0004002 CPAP,newborn,w/compressor & O2 concentr
Bubble CPAP non-invasive respiratory support system complete system including internal air compressor and oxygen concentrator. Suitable for all normal, premature and low weight neonates up to 10kg. Supplied including humidifier, air/oxygen mixer and acces
Indicative Price 5,182.66 USD - S0003997 Hearing aid, child, BTE-P, prg
Programmable behind-the-ear digital hearing aid. This electronic device amplifies and transmits sound for children with mild-to-severe hearing loss. Designed to provide access to speech and aid in the perception of environmental sounds. This device is typically attached to the user’s ear through an earmold. It can be programmed to the user’s degree and type of hearing loss.
Indicative Price 156.25 USD - S0003998 Hearing aid, child, BTE-SP, prg
Programmable behind-the-ear digital hearing aid. This electronic device amplifies and transmits sound for children with moderate-to-profound hearing loss. Designed to provide access to speech and aid in the perception of environmental sounds. This device is typically attached to the user’s ear through an earmold. It can be programmed to the user’s degree and type of hearing loss.
Indicative Price 166.67 USD - S0114520 Length/height board,baby/child/adult
Length/height board,baby/child/adult
Indicative Price 127.79 USD - S359343 MMR vaccine,vial of 10 doses
MMR vaccine, vial of 10 doses
Indicative Price 18.70 USD - S0004014 Cushion,wheelchair,pressure, mod layered
Pressure-redistribution cushion with moderate/partial offloading or immersion/envelopment features: Contoured cushion with separate top layer.For CHILD or ADULT wheelchair users who are at risk of pressure injuries and who need good support to maintain stability and an aligned posture. Cushion and cover function to reduce heat and moisture generated when the user is sitting on the cushion.
Indicative Price 97.00 USD - S359341 MMR vaccine,vial of single dose
MMR vaccine, vial of single dose.
The indicated price is based on supply of MMR-1 with Leningrad-Zagreb mumps strain. Please note that the price for MMR-1 with Jeryl Lynn strain is USD 8.50 per vial and the product is supplied without VVM
Indicative Price 3.73 USD