
Lvl sensor add. SS cable length, 50m

Additional stainless steel/transmission cable length (of 50m each), to increase the total length of the wire cables of water level sensors S0005460, S0005461, S0005463 and S0005465. Ordering country to specify the additional quantity required, per 50m length.
Indicative Price 450.93 USD
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General description:
Additional stainless steel and transmission cable length (per length of 50m).

Technical specification:
Additional length of stainless steel cable of 50m, added to the base cable length for temporary and permanent non-vented level monitoring systems. The additional length and/or the total length of the required systems must be clearly specified in the SO’s item text at the time of ordering.

For permanent systems, transmission cable from the sensor to the transmission unit will be included instead, and the maximum depth available for these systems is 200m.

In case the Electrical Conductivity option is selected, the requested additional security cable will come in corrosion resistant Vectran instead of stainless steel.

Packing instructions:
The additional cables length is included with the originally requested system.

Related products:
S0005460, S0005461, S0005463, S0005465

Useful links:
UNICEF Groundwater Monitoring Product Guide:
Supply Intranet - Groundwater monitoring product guide
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