
NBK, Clinic, Module 3, Equipment

NBK, Newborn Kit, Clinic, Module 3, Medical Equipment
Indicative Price 1,424.42 USD
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General description:
Interagency Newborn Kit, Clinic Kit, Module 3, Medical Equipment

Intended use:
The Newborn Kits are designed for use in the acute phase of an emergency. The Newborn Kits are intended for use only in the early phase of an emergency. The kits are neither designed nor recommended for re-supplying existing equipment, supplies and drugs in health-care facilities.
The Kits are pre-packaged and standardized for global supply. They may contain items that are not appropriate for some settings.

Target Population and period of use:
For one facility serving a population of 30,000 for 3 months.

The Clinic Kit is designed for:
-Essential newborn care for uncomplicated live births
-Newborn resuscitation
-To stabilize newborns with serious infections prior to referral
-To care for preterm babies at the clinic or primary health care level

The Clinic Kit is to be used by trained personnel: midwives, nurses, medical doctors.

Kit contents/description:
QtyMaterial Description
3 S0845185Doppler,FHR detector,w/access
9 S0845009Resuscitator ,hand-oper.,neonate,set
3 S0145558Scale, baby, electronic, 10 kg, <5g>
6 S0845186Stand,infusion,double hook,on castors
9 S0845006Bulb, suction, neonatal, reusable
30 S0567000Tape measure,tailor's,fibreglass,1.5m
20S0481056 Thermometer, clinical, digital, no Li
6 S0845065Timer,for respiration,ARI (mark 2)

Complementary Kits:
Complementary Reproductive Health (RH) Kits: The Clinic Kit is complementary to the UNFPA RH Clinical Delivery Kit 6 (Part A and B), which includes supplies for labor and delivery. To be ordered separately from UNFPA.
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