- S0009301 Handpump,VLOM-65,MKIII-65,Variant 1 Tele
Open top Hand Pump, VLOM-65, (INDIA MARK III-65 (SKAT) - IM III 65 - Mark III type), Variant number 1 Package, with Telescopic Stand and for corrosion resistant installation.Indicative Price 148.20 USD - S0001329 Pipette, digital, 8 channel, 5-50ul
Pipette, digital, 8 channel, 5-50ulIndicative Price 189.77 USD - S0001330 Pipette, digital, 8 channel, 20-200ul
Pipette, digital, 8 channel, 20-200ulIndicative Price 189.56 USD - S0001384 Tube, sterile, screw cap,5.0 ml,box/1000
Tube, sterile, screw cap, 5.0ml, box/1000Indicative Price 308.54 USD - S359225 Inactivated polio vaccine,sgl dose vial
Inactivated polio vaccine, single dose vialIndicative Price 2.80 USD - S9910000 Surg.inst.,abdominal /SET
The abdominal contains thirty surgical instrument set can be used either for interventions in abdominal emergencies such as exploratory laparotomies, caesarean sections, etc., or common interventions, especially gynaecology. This kit contains the instruments only, no storage box.Indicative Price 164.51 USD - S0001587 Tube,push cap,0.2 ml, ster,PCR,box/1000
PCR tubes with push caps, 0.2ml, sterile, box/1000Indicative Price 14.66 USD - S0005129 SDD Ref & Frz. Dulas VC150SDD E003/048
Solar Direct Drive Combined Refrigerator & Freezer for Storage of Vaccines
Dulas VC150SDD E003/048
Ambient operating temperature: Min. +5°C, Max. +43°C
Net vaccine storage volume: 102 L
Supplied as a complete plug & play solar system including a temperature monitoring device.Indicative Price 6,297.47 USD - S0001389 Tube, screw cap, conic, 15/50ml,box/500
Tube, screw cap, sterile, conical, 15/50ml, box/500Indicative Price 82.70 USD - S1533010 Ibuprofen 200mg tabs/PAC 10x10
Ibuprofen 200mg tablets, blister pack of 10x10.Indicative Price 1.06 USD