- S0000902 Learning Pass. Offline Server Pack - Mid
The offline Learning Passport medium deployment hardware package (allows up to 100 children to connect). Enables children without access to the internet to access digital learning content and record achievements.Indicative Price 897.08 USD - S0845222 Pulse oximeter,handheld,cont,w/RR&temp
Handheld, portable, rechargeable battery-powered pulse oximeter, for the non-invasive spot-checking or continuous monitoring of patient oxygen saturation (SpO2), pulse rate, and respiratory rate. Indicated also for spot-checking of temperature.
Indicative Price 395.00 USD - S0002558 RTMS 2xWIC Nexleaf CTX E006/091
Remote Temperature Monitoring System configured for remote monitoring of vaccine storage conditions in two walk-in cold rooms or freezer rooms.
Nexleaf CTX E006/091
Power Source: Mains electricity
Sensor Type: Wireless
Temperature Monitoring Range: -30°C to +55°CIndicative Price 602.00 USD - S0002563 RTMS 3xWIC Nexleaf CTX E006/091
Remote Temperature Monitoring System configured for remote monitoring of vaccine storage conditions in three walk-in cold rooms or freezer rooms.
Nexleaf CTX E006/091
Power Source: Mains electricity
Sensor Type: Wireless
Temperature Monitoring Range: -30°C to +55°CIndicative Price 796.00 USD - S0845014 Pulse oximeter,portable,w/access
Handheld, portable, battery powered pulse oximeter, continuously displaying patient oxygen saturation (SpO2) and pulse rate in real time using an external probe on the skin.
Indicative Price 298.00 USD - S0845017 Pulse oximeter,handheld, incl.resp. rate
Handheld, portable, rechargeable battery-powered pulse oximeter, displaying patient oxygen saturation (SpO2), pulse rate and respiratory rate. It is intended for spot-checking and includes decision-assist features for pneumonia screening.
Indicative Price 370.00 USD - S0845212 Pulse oximeter,handheld,cont,w/resp rate
Handheld, portable, rechargeable battery-powered pulse oximeter, for the non-invasive spot-checking or continuous monitoring of patient oxygen saturation (SpO2), pulse rate, and respiratory rate.
Indicative Price 409.93 USD - S0845029 Oxygen Analyzer, ultrasonic, handheld
Hand held, battery powered device that measures the oxygen concentration in a flow of gas from a medical gas source or, with adapters, through a medical gas-flow device such as a ventilator or anaesthesia system. The intended application is checking gas supply equipment performance.
Indicative Price 513.76 USD - S0000904 Access Point for wireless connectivity
Learning Passport offline additional access point (for additional coverage requirements)Indicative Price 1.00 USD - S0845215 Laryngoscope,neonate,set
Laryngoscope set for neonates, including pre-terms, exists of a handle containg batteries and two straight, Miller type depressor blades.Indicative Price 93.16 USD