- S1802221 Solar Lamp with Phone Charger
Easy, and ready, to use portable solar powered LED lantern providing light and mobile phone charging.
Indicative Price 24.10 USD - S0000904 Access Point for wireless connectivity
Learning Passport offline additional access point (for additional coverage requirements)Indicative Price 1.00 USD - S0141022 Scale,mother/child,batteries,250kg
Scale, mother/child, batteries, 250 kg
Indicative Price 129.16 USD - S0141023 Scale,mother/child,batteries,solar,250kg
Scale, mother/child, batteries, solar, 250 kg
Indicative Price 152.15 USD - S0003998 Hearing aid, child, BTE-SP, prg
Programmable behind-the-ear digital hearing aid. This electronic device amplifies and transmits sound for children with moderate-to-profound hearing loss. Designed to provide access to speech and aid in the perception of environmental sounds. This device is typically attached to the user’s ear through an earmold. It can be programmed to the user’s degree and type of hearing loss.
Indicative Price 166.67 USD - S0000902 Learning Pass. Offline Server Pack - Mid
The offline Learning Passport medium deployment hardware package (allows up to 100 children to connect). Enables children without access to the internet to access digital learning content and record achievements.Indicative Price 897.08 USD - S0005176 Porkka WIC split type 40m3
Porkka Walk-in type cold room, split type, 40m3 for storage of vaccines
at national and sub-national levels.Indicative Price 33,020.83 USD - S0002017 Syringe pump,with accessories
Syringe pump, single channel, AC and battery powered, with accessoriesIndicative Price 424.20 USD - S0002031 Monitor,patient,portable,w/access
Patient vital signs monitor, 6 physiological parameters; ECG, heart rate, respiration rate, Non-invasive blood pressure and pulseoximetry and temperatur. Suitable for adult, paediatric and neonatal patients, AC and battery powered, including accessories.
Indicative Price 1,615.40 USD - S0141025 Scale,survey,mother/child,bat,150kg
Scale, survey, mother/child, batteries, 150 kg
Indicative Price 112.27 USD