- S9906751 Nut kit inpatient module-med supplies2
Please note that this kit has replaced S0114053 Nut. kit, inpatient,
module-med. Supplies
Nut. kit, inpatient, module-med supplies2Indicative Price 1,098.36 USD - S9906752 Nut kit,outpatient,module-equipment2
Please note that this kit has replaced S0114056 Nut. kit, outpatient,
Nut. kit,outpatient,module-equipment2Indicative Price 1,897.45 USD - S9903004 AWD Periphery kit Drug
AWD Periphery kit Drug
Indicative Price 994.73 USD - S0114051 Nut. kit,inpatient,module-registration
Nutrition kit, inpatient, module-registration, KMEDMNUTI11 equipmentused in inpatient therapeutic feeding centres for severely acutemalnourished children.Indicative Price 629.07 USD - S0114052 Nut. kit,inpatient,module-equipment
Nutrition kit, inpatient, module-equipment, KMEDMNUTI12 equipment usedin inpatient therapeutic feeding centres for severely acute malnourishedchildrenIndicative Price 1,623.28 USD - S0114055 Nut. kit,outpatient,module-registration
Nutrition kit, outpatient, module-registration, KMEDMNUTO11. Equipmentused in outpatient therapeutic feeding centres intended for severelyacute malnourished childrenIndicative Price 1,716.43 USD - S5006122 WASH&DignityKit,firstResp,1HH,noPurifTab
First Response WASH & Dignity family kit sufficient for the needs of 1 family - for immediate/early response in emergencies.
Indicative Price 43.25 USD - S5006123 WASH&DignityKit,firstResp,5HH,noPurifTab
First Response WASH & Dignity family kit sufficient for the needs of 5 families - for immediate/early response in emergencies.Indicative Price 223.50 USD - S5033000 Maths Teaching Kit
Primary mathematics teaching aids kit designed for schools grade 1-6Indicative Price 91.91 USD