- S0002031 Monitor,patient,portable,w/access
Patient vital signs monitor, 6 physiological parameters; ECG, heart rate, respiration rate, Non-invasive blood pressure and pulseoximetry and temperatur. Suitable for adult, paediatric and neonatal patients, AC and battery powered, including accessories.
Indicative Price 1,615.40 USD - S0002032 Photo therapy unit,w/access
Phototherapy unit, LED, overhead, mobile, for the treatment of neonatal hyper-bilirubinaemia, AC powered, with accessories.Indicative Price 2,247.59 USD - S0002034 Infusion pump,with accessories
Volumetric single channel infusion pump. User programmable for infusion volume VTBI (Volume To Be Infused), time and flow rate. AC and battery powered including accessories.Indicative Price 459.00 USD - S0002046 Anaesthesia machine,closed circuit,w/acc
Anaesthesia unit, closed or semi-closed circuit, AC and battery powered , inlcuding vaporizer, mixer and other accessories.Indicative Price 11,729.00 USD - S0002048 CPAP,bubble,medical,new-born
Bubble CPAP non-invasive respiratory support system, for all normal , premature and low birth-weight neonates. Comes with humidifier , air/oxygen mixer, and accessories.Indicative Price 5,117.00 USD - S0002070 Light,oper.room,LED,mobile,w/access
Surgical light, LED, mobile, AC and battery powered.Indicative Price 2,047.50 USD - S0002145 GeneXpert IV, UPS
Cepheid GeneXpert IV UPS.Indicative Price 790.00 USD - S0003205 Potassium iodate,drum of 10kg **
For use in the manufacture of iodized salt for human consumption, necessary to address iodine deficiency. Packed in fiber drums of 10 kg.Indicative Price 522.00 USD - S0003206 Potassium iodate,drum of 25kg **
For use in the manufacture of iodized salt for human consumption, necessary to address iodine deficiency. Packed in fiber drums of 25 kg.Indicative Price 1,294.00 USD - S0003207 Potassium iodate,drum of 5kg **
For use in the manufacture of iodized salt for human consumption, necessary to address iodine deficiency. Packed in fiber drums of 5 kg.Indicative Price 264.00 USD